About this project


histlite is a histogram calculation and plotting library that tries to be “lite” on data structures but rich in statistics and visualization features. So far, development has taken place during my (Mike Richman) time as a graduate student and post-doctoral researcher in the field of particle astrophysics — specifically, working with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Histlite is intended both to facilitate high-paced exploratory data analysis as well as to serve as a building block for potentially very complex maximum likelihood data analysis implementations.

The core design considerations are:

  • It must be trivial to work with and interchange between 1D, 2D, or ND histograms.
  • It should be as simple as possible to perform bin-wise arithmetic operations on one or more histograms; to perform sums, integrals, etc. and thus normalizations along one or more axes simultaneously; and to perform spline or user-defined functional fits
  • It should be as simple as possible to achieve publication-quality plots.

The primary histogramming functionality consists of a thin wrapper around numpy.histogramdd(). Statistical tools leverage scipy but include custom solutions for some use cases. (Importantly, error propagation is currently handled manually but may be migrated to the uncertainties package in the future.) Plotting is done using matplotlib.


Many problems in statistics involve understanding the behavior of distributions of observables. Histograms are one of the best-understood and most commonly used tools for discerning the properties of those distributions. A key reason for preferring histograms over other tools such as KDE is that per-bin error (or uncertainty) estimates are robust and straightforward to reason about.

Numpy is a fantastic and an extremely general numerical library. Scipy provides many excellent statistical methods. Matplotlib offers beautiful and highly flexible visualizations suitable for publication-quality plots. However, as far as I know, to date there is no standard, widely used histogramming package for synthesizing functionality from these baseline tools.

Numpy provides reasonable (if not particularly optimal) methods for producing histograms in the form of (values,edges). Matplotlib is capable of plotting histograms, but that is about as far as it goes. For applications that require publication-quality plots only after non-trivial histogram combinations or manipulations, matplotlib offers little support. Scipy methods are happy to operate on bin centers and weights, but you’ll have to keep track of those yourself.

This package is my attempt to simplify histogram calculation and plotting operations, primarily by bringing together functionality that is currently spread across the scientific Python software stack.


Alternatives include at least the following:

  • plain numpy/matplotlib/scipy: You can get done what you want to get done, but you’ll almost certainly violate the DRY (don’t repeat yourself) guideline.
  • physt: I only very recently became aware of this library which seeks to solve generally the same problems. Perhaps someday we will join forces. What I gather from the physt documentation is that it places much more emphasis on flexible (even optionally automatically-optimized) binning, but much less emphasis on working with histograms as probability density functions (PDFs) as required by much of my work.
  • ROOT: Many particle physicists use this CERN product for data analysis, but… to be brief, even with its Python bindings it will remain unacceptable for serious work, especially but not only outside of particle physics, until it is rewritten or replaced in its entirety.


  • ND histograms: all histograms are N-dimensional, which keeps things simple and generic in the case of operations that involve mixed dimensionality (the same as numpy broadcasting).
  • easy, flexible plotting: we don’t cover every use case, but you have sane defaults and fine-grained control over 1D and 2D histogram presentation.
  • histogram arithmetic: histograms can be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, log’d, sqrt’d, raised to powers, etc.
  • normalizations and projections: histograms can be normalized to integrate to 1; integrate to 1 accounting for varying bin volume (density=True); or sum to (integrate=False). Histograms can be projected to lower dimensionality by integrating or summing over one or more axes; or by computing quantiles along a specified axis; or by finding a specified containment interval along a specified axis, centered on the median and expressing the containment interval as errorbars.
  • error/uncertainty tracking per-bin errors are tracked in all but a handful of cases where their meaning is unclear (e.g. uncertainty on a quantile computed from some oother histogram). Errors are propagated in the standard way under histogram arithmetic.
  • simple (“lite”) data model: a histlite.Hist is really just any curve with both values and errors defined spanning some specified bins. You don’t need to think about whether (h1 - h2) / (h1 + h2) is a histogram or some other thing; all the same methods, operators, and plotting functions will work the same.
  • fitting interface: 1D and 2D (ND still a work in progress) splines can be computed easily, producing histlite.SplineFit functors that know whether the underlying scipy splines were fitted in linear or log space on each axis. For convenience, arbitrary functions can be fit analogously to scipy.optimize.curve_fit(), using that function internally.
  • evaluation interface: histlite.Hist’s can be generated by evaluating arbitrary functions, or instances of histlite.Hist or histlite.SplineFit, on a specified grid. The resulting histlite.Hist’s can then of course be used in histogram arithmetic or plotting methds.
  • smoothing: histograms can be smoothed using histlite.Hist.gaussian_filter() or histlite.Hist.gaussian_filter1d(). Smooth “histograms” can be used to approximate Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) using histlite.kde().