Source code for histlite


from __future__ import print_function, division

__doc__  = """Calculate and plot histograms, easily."""

# Lame python 3 compat
except NameError:
    xrange = range

import copy
import datetime
import inspect
    from itertools import izip
except ImportError:
    izip = zip
import itertools
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy import interpolate, ndimage, optimize, stats
import warnings

eps = np.finfo(float).eps

    from . import heal

[docs]def reindex (a, order): """Rearrange the axes of a multidimensional array. :type a: ndarray :param a: the input array :type order: sequence of int :param order: the axis that should wind up in each ordinal position :return: reindexed array Note: this is useful for implementing :meth:`Hist.sum`, etc., but you probably should prefer ``np.swapaxes``, possibly using multiple applications, instead. """ cur = list(range (len (a.shape))) assert (sorted (order) == cur) for i_dest, i_source in enumerate (order): i_cur = cur.index (i_source) cur[i_dest], cur[i_cur] = cur[i_cur], cur[i_dest] a = np.swapaxes (a, i_dest, i_cur) return a
[docs]def unreindex (a, order): """Reverse the effects of :meth:`reindex`. :type a: ndarray :param a: the already reindexed array :type order: sequence of int :param order: order previously applied to :meth:`reindex` :return: unreindexed array Note: this is useful for implementing :meth:`Hist.sum`, etc., but you probably should prefer ``np.swapaxes``, possibly using multiple applications, instead. """ cur = list(range (len (a.shape))) assert (sorted (order) == cur), '{} vs {}'.format (sorted (order), cur) for i_source, i_dest in enumerate (order): i_cur = cur.index (i_source) cur[i_dest], cur[i_cur] = cur[i_cur], cur[i_dest] a = np.swapaxes (a, i_dest, i_cur) return a
def breakout_1d (a): return np.r_[a[0], a, a[-1]] def breakout_2d (a): z = np.zeros ((a.shape[0] + 2, a.shape[1] + 2)) z[1:-1, 1:-1] = a z[0, 1:-1] = a[0] z[-1, 1:-1] = a[-1] z[1:-1, 0] = a[:,0] z[1:-1, -1] = a[:,-1] for (i, j) in [(0, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1)]: z[i, j] = a[i,j] return z
[docs]class Hist (object): """A histogram.""" def __init__ (self, bins, values, errors=None, data=None, weights=None): """Construct a :class:`Hist`. :type bins: 2D array-like :param bins: the bin edges :type values: n_dim array-like :param values: the counts :type errors: n_dim array-like :param values: the per-bin errors if given; otherwise NaN is assumed. :type data: tuple of array-like :param data: the source data for the histogram: n_dim tuples of n_sample arrays :type weights: array-like :param weights: the weights of the source datapoints: an array of length n_sample """ self._values = np.asarray (values) if len (self.values.shape) == 1: try: bins_array = np.asarray (bins) if len (bins_array) == self.values.shape[0] + 1: bins = (bins,) except: pass self._bins = list(map (np.asarray, bins)) if errors is not None: self._errors = np.asarray (errors) else: self._errors = None if len (self.values.shape): self._errors = np.empty (self.values.shape) self._errors[:] = np.nan else: self._errors = np.array (np.nan) self._data = data self._weights = weights self._n_dim = len (self.bins) self._range = [(b[0], b[-1]) for b in self.bins] # plan to lazy-compute log and centers self._log = None self._centers = None def copy (self): b, v, e = map (copy.deepcopy, (self._bins, self._values, self._errors)) d, w = self._data, self._weights return Hist (b, v, e, data=d, weights=w) @property def zeronans (self): self = self.copy () self._values[self._values == 0] = np.nan return self def to_finite (self, nan=0, inf=np.max, minf=np.min): self = self.copy () masks = np.isnan (self.values), self.values == np.inf, self.values == -np.inf values = self.values for (mask, k) in izip (masks, (nan, inf, minf)): if callable (k): v = k (values[~mask]) else: v = k values[mask] = v return self def _determine_log (self): log = [] for dim in xrange (self.n_dim): diffs = np.diff (self.bins[dim]) if 0 in self.bins[dim] \ or isinstance (self.bins[dim][0], datetime.datetime) \ or isinstance (self.bins[dim][0], np.datetime64): dim_log = False else: ratios = self.bins[dim][1:] / self.bins[dim][:-1] nlog = len (np.unique (ratios)) nlin = len (np.unique (diffs)) dim_log = (nlog < nlin) log.append (dim_log) self._log = np.array (log) def _determine_centers (self): log = self.log centers = [] for dim in xrange (self.n_dim): if log[dim]: ratios = self.bins[dim][1:] / self.bins[dim][:-1] centers.append (self.bins[dim][:-1] * np.sqrt (ratios)) else: diffs = np.diff (self.bins[dim]) centers.append (self.bins[dim][:-1] + diffs / 2) self._centers = list(map (np.asarray, centers)) # given construction properties of the Hist @property def n_dim (self): """The number of dimensions in the histogram.""" return self._n_dim @property def bins (self): """A list of bin edge arrays, one for each dimension.""" return self._bins @property def n_bins (self): """A list of the number of bins in each dimension.""" return list(map (len, self.centers)) @property def range (self): """A list of (min_value,max_value) tuples for each dimension.""" return self._range @property def values (self): """An nD array of bin values (sum of weights in each bin).""" return self._values @property def errors (self): """An nD array of bin errors (sqrt(sum(squares of weights))) in each bin.""" return self._errors @property def data (self): """The data used to construct the histogram (if given upon construction).""" return self._data @property def weights (self): """The weights used to construct the histogram (if given upon construction).""" return self._weights # inferred construction properties of the Hist @property def log (self): """A list of bools describing whether each dimenion is binned linearly or logarithmically.""" if self._log is None: self._determine_log () return self._log @property def centers (self): """A list of bin center arrays for each dimension.""" if self._centers is None: self._determine_centers () return self._centers @property def widths (self): """A list of bin width arrays for each dimension.""" return list(map (np.diff, self.bins)) @property def volumes (self): """An nD array of bin volumes (product of bin widths in each dimension).""" if self.n_dim == 0: return 0 elif self.n_dim == 1: return np.diff (self.bins[0]) else: return (np.meshgrid (*map (np.diff, self.bins)), axis=0).T # bin-data access
[docs] def index (self, x, axis=0): """The bin index for value ``x`` in dimension ``axis``.""" def digitize (b, a): return np.searchsorted (a, b, side='r') shape = np.shape (x) last_mask = x == self.range[axis][1] last_i = self.n_bins[axis] - 1 if shape: out = (digitize (x.ravel(), self.bins[axis]) - 1).reshape (shape) out[last_mask] = last_i return out else: if last_mask: return last_i else: return int (digitize ([x], self.bins[axis]) - 1)
[docs] def indices (self, *xs): """Get the indices for the specified coordinates.""" if len (xs) != self.n_dim: raise TypeError ('`n_dim` coordinates required') return tuple (self.index (x, i) for (i,x) in enumerate (xs))
[docs] def ravel_indices (self, *xs): """Get the indices into values.ravel() for the specified coordinates. Index of -1 indicates out-of-bounds """ indices = self.indices (*xs) out_indices = np.zeros (len (indices[0]), dtype=int) step = 1 bad_mask = np.zeros (len (indices[0]), dtype=bool) for axis in xrange (self.n_dim - 1, -1, -1): bad_mask |= ~ ( (self.range[axis][0] <= xs[axis]) & (xs[axis] < self.range[axis][1])) out_indices += step * indices[axis] step *= self.n_bins[axis] out_indices[bad_mask] = -1 return out_indices
[docs] def get_value (self, *xs): """Get the counts value at the specified coordinates.""" return self.values[self.indices (*xs)]
[docs] def get_values (self, *xs): """Get the counts values at the specified lists of coordinates.""" indices = tuple ([self.index (x,i) for (i,x) in enumerate (xs)]) return self.values[indices]
def __call__ (self, *xs): return self.get_values (*xs) def eval (self, *a, **kw): kw.setdefault ('ndim', self.n_dim) kw.setdefault ('range', self.range) return hist_from_eval (self.get_values, *a, **kw)
[docs] def get_error (self, *xs): """Get the error value at the specified coordinates.""" return self.errors[self.indices (*xs)]
[docs] def get_errors (self, *xs): """Get the error values at the specified lists of coordinates.""" return np.array ([self.get_error (*x) for x in zip (*xs)])
def transform_bins (self, f, axes=[-1]): bins = [ f (self.bins[axis]) if (axis in axes) or (axis - self.n_dim in axes) else self.bins[axis] for axis in xrange (self.n_dim)] return Hist (bins, self.values, self.errors) # sampling
[docs] def sample (self, n_samples=1, *values, **kw): """Draw n samples from the data. :type n_samples: int :param n_samples: the number of samples Any given values select bins in the first len(values) dimensions, such that sampling is done only from the remaining dimensions. :return: tuple of arrays of length n_dim """ seed = kw.get('seed', np.random.seed()) random = kw.get('random', np.random.RandomState(seed)) if values: return self[values].sample (n_samples) cdf = np.cumsum (self.values.ravel ()) / self.values.sum () dice = random.uniform (0, 1, n_samples) dice_bins = np.searchsorted (cdf, dice) indices = np.unravel_index (dice_bins, self.values.shape) lefts = [self.bins[i][indices[i]] for i in xrange (self.n_dim)] rights = [self.bins[i][indices[i] + 1] for i in xrange (self.n_dim)] outs = [left * ((right / left) ** random.uniform (0, 1, n_samples)) if self.log[i] else left + (right - left) * random.uniform (0, 1, n_samples) for (i, left,right) in izip (xrange (self.n_dim), lefts, rights)] return outs
# axis-wise operations
[docs] def cumsum (self, axes=[-1], normalize=False): """ Calculate the cumulative sum along specified axes (in order). """ values = self.values.copy () axes = np.atleast_1d(axes) sum_axes = [self.n_dim + i if i < 0 else i for i in axes] for axis in sum_axes: values = values.cumsum (axis=axis) if normalize: values = values / self.sum(axes).values return Hist (self.bins, values)
[docs] def sum (self, axes=None, integrate=False): """Project the histogram onto a subset of its dimensions by summing over ``axes``. :type axes: sequence of int :param axes: the axes along which to sum and thus the dimensions no longer present in the resulting Hist. :type integrate: bool :param integrate: if True, evaluate sum of (value * width) rather than just value. :return: :class:`Hist` """ if axes is None: axes = list(range (self.n_dim)) axes = np.atleast_1d(axes) # get sum and keep axes sum_axes = sorted ([self.n_dim + i if i < 0 else i for i in axes]) keep_axes = [i for i in xrange (self.n_dim) if i not in sum_axes] bins = [self.bins[i] for i in xrange (self.n_dim) if i not in sum_axes] for axis in sum_axes: if axis not in xrange (self.n_dim): raise ValueError ('histogram has no axis {0}'.format (axis)) # order new arrays so sum axes are last axes_order = keep_axes + sum_axes values = reindex (self.values.copy (), axes_order) if self.errors is not None: sq_errors = reindex (self.errors**2, axes_order) else: sq_errors = None # sum over last axes until done summing for axis in reversed (sum_axes): axis_bins = self.bins[axis] if integrate: values *= np.diff (axis_bins) if sq_errors is not None: sq_errors *= np.diff (axis_bins) values = values.sum (axis=-1) if sq_errors is not None: sq_errors = sq_errors.sum (axis=-1) if self.errors is not None: errors = np.sqrt (sq_errors) else: errors = None return Hist (bins, values, errors)
[docs] def integrate (self, axes=None): """Project the histogram onto a subset of its dimensions by integrating over ``axes``. :type axes: sequence of int :param axes: the axes along which to integrate and thus the dimensions no longer present in the resulting Hist. :return: :class:`Hist` """ return self.sum (axes=axes, integrate=True)
[docs] def project (self, axes=[-1], integrate=False): """Project the histogram onto a subset of its dimensions by summing over axes other than those listed in ``axes``. :type axes: sequence of int :param axes: the axes along which NOT to sum or integrate, and thus the dimensions no longer present in the resulting Hist. :return: :class:`Hist` """ axes = [self.n_dim + i if i < 0 else i for i in axes] return self.sum ([i for i in xrange (self.n_dim) if i not in axes], integrate=integrate)
[docs] def contain (self, axis, frac=1 - 2 * stats.norm.sf (1)): """Project the histogram onto a subset of its dimensions by taking the containment interval along ``axis``. :type axis: int :param axis: the axis along which to measure containment and thus the dimensions no longer present in the resulting Hist. :type frac: float :param frac: the containment interval, measured from ``self.range[axis][0]`` and moving to the "right" :return: :class:`Hist` """ if axis < 0: axis = len (self.bins) + axis def weighted_containment (a, w): as_ws = np.array (sorted (zip (a, w))).T if np.sum (w) == 0: m = np.nan else: m = as_ws[0][as_ws[1].cumsum () >= frac * w.sum ()][0] return m def apply_weighted_containment (w): return weighted_containment (self.centers[axis], w) values = np.apply_along_axis (apply_weighted_containment, axis, self.values) bins = [self.bins[i] for i in xrange (self.n_dim) if i != axis] return Hist (bins, values)
[docs] def contain_project (self, axis, frac=1 - 2 * stats.norm.sf (1), n_sigma=None, ): """ Project the histogram taking median along one dimension, with errorbars reflecting the eliminated axis. :type axis: int :param axis: the axis along which to measure containment and thus the dimensions no longer present in the resulting Hist. :type frac: float :param frac: the containment fraction, which will be centered on the median value along the given axis :type n_sigma: float :param n_sigma: the containment fraction, specified as a number of sigmas :return: :class:`Hist` If given, ``n_sigma`` overrides ``frac``. """ out = self.median (axis) f = (1 - frac) / 2. if n_sigma is None else stats.norm.sf (n_sigma) h_low = self.contain (axis, f) h_high = self.contain (axis, 1 - f) out._errors = np.vstack (((out - h_low).values, (h_high - out).values)) return out
[docs] def median (self, axis): """Project the histogram onto a subset of its dimensions by taking the median along ``axis``. :type axis: int :param axis: the axis along which to find the median and thus the dimensions no longer present in the resulting Hist. :return: :class:`Hist` """ return self.contain (axis, .5)
[docs] def normalize (self, axes=None, integrate=True, density=False): """Return a histogram normalized so the sums (or integrals) over the given axes are unity. :type axes: sequence of int, optional :param axes: the axes that will sum (or integrate) to unity for the normalized histogram :type integrate: bool :param integrate: if True, normalize so the integral is unity; otherwise, normalize so the sum is unity :type density: bool :param density: if True, normalize so the integral is unity, but *as though* the binning were linspaced, even if it is actually not. This option supersedes the ``integrate`` argument. :return: :class:`Hist` The norm is found by summing over all axes other than the ones specified, or by summing over all axes if ``axis`` is not given. Note that setting ``density=True`` should obtain equivalent behavior to ``numpy.histogram(..., density=True)``. """ if axes is None: axes = list(range (self.n_dim)) axes = np.atleast_1d (axes) axes = sorted ([self.n_dim + i if i < 0 else i for i in axes]) for axis in axes: if axis not in xrange (self.n_dim): raise ValueError ('histogram has no axis {0}'.format (axis)) keep_axes = axes lose_axes = [i for i in xrange (self.n_dim) if i not in axes] if density: integrate = False hsum = 1. * self.sum (keep_axes, integrate=integrate) hother = self.sum (lose_axes) reorder = keep_axes + lose_axes if density: volumes = hother.volumes else: volumes = 1 with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') values = unreindex ( reindex (self.values, reorder) / hsum.values, reorder ) / volumes if self.errors is not None: with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') errors = unreindex ( reindex (self.errors, reorder) / hsum.values, reorder ) / volumes else: errors = None return Hist (self.bins, values, errors)
[docs] def rebin (self, axis, bins, tol=1e-4): """Produce coarser binning along the given axis. :type axis: int :param axis: the axis along which to rebin :type bins: sequence :param bins: the new bin edges :type tol: float :param tol: the absolute error between the given ``bins`` and ones found in the original histogram :return: :class:`Hist` Each bin in bins should be contained in the existing bins, and the endpoints should match. Tolerance for bin agreement is given as an absolute error by `tol`. """ # validate bins oldbins = self.bins[axis] newbins = np.copy (np.sort (bins)) for (i, b) in enumerate (newbins): misses = np.abs (b - oldbins) j = np.argmin (misses) closest = np.min (misses) if closest > tol: raise ValueError ( '{0} is not among current bin edges'.format (b)) newbins[i] = oldbins[j] if newbins[0] != oldbins[0]: raise ValueError ( 'binning startpoint should match') if newbins[-1] != oldbins[-1]: raise ValueError ( 'binning endpoint should match') n_newbins = len (newbins) - 1 newbin_indices = np.digitize (oldbins, newbins)[:-1] - 1 def revalue_one (a): return [np.sum (a[newbin_indices==i]) for i in xrange (n_newbins)] def reerror_one (a): return [np.sqrt (np.sum (a[newbin_indices==i]**2)) for i in xrange (n_newbins)] values = np.apply_along_axis (revalue_one, axis, self.values) if self.errors is not None: errors = np.apply_along_axis (reerror_one, axis, self.errors) else: errors = None bins = [self.bins[i] if i != axis else newbins for i in xrange (self.n_dim)] return Hist (bins, values, errors)
def __getitem__ (self, sli): def intypes (obj, types): for t in types: if isinstance (obj, t): return True return False # handle non-tuple if not isinstance (sli, tuple): return self[sli,] # check against excess dimensions if len (sli) > self.n_dim: raise TypeError ('too many dimensions for this Hist') # TODO: do we really need a copy here? seems like we shouldn't #subh = copy.deepcopy (self) subh = self subsli = sli[0] n_reductions = 0 for dim, subsli in enumerate (sli): # could be a number/sequence, or slice if intypes (subsli, (int, float, list, np.float32, np.ndarray)): # cannot subscript a 1D Hist if self.n_dim == 1: raise TypeError ('cannot reduce dimensionality of 1D Hist') index = self.index (subsli, dim) subh = subh.get_slice (index, dim - n_reductions) else: if subsli.start is None: start = 0 else: start = self.index (subsli.start, dim) if subsli.stop is None: stop = len (self.bins[dim]) else: stop = self.index (subsli.stop, dim) if subsli.stop not in self.bins[dim]: stop += 1 indsli = slice (start, stop) subh = subh.get_slice (indsli, dim - n_reductions) if subh.n_dim < self.n_dim: n_reductions += 1 return subh def get_slice (self, index, axis=0): slices = [] bins = [] log = [] for dim in xrange (self.n_dim): if dim == axis: slices.append (index) if not isinstance (index, int): if isinstance (index, slice): if index.stop is not None: bin_index = slice ( index.start, index.stop + 1, index.step) else: bin_index = index bins.append (self.bins[axis][bin_index]) log.append (self.log[axis]) else: n_axis_bins = len (self.bins[dim]) slices.append (slice (0, n_axis_bins)) bins.append (self.bins[dim]) log.append (self.log[dim]) values = self.values[tuple (slices)] if self.errors is not None: errors = self.errors[tuple (slices)] else: errors = None return Hist (bins, values, errors) @property def T (self): """A transposed version of the Hist.""" bins = self.bins[::-1] values = self.values.T if self.errors is not None: errors = self.errors.T else: errors = None return Hist (bins, values, errors) # fitting
[docs] def curve_fit (self, func, **kw): """ Fit a function to the histogram. :type func: function :param func: model function as in scipy.optimize.curve_fit(). :return: popt, pcov as in scipy.optimize.curve_fit() This function unravels the values and bin centers into ``n_dim`` 1D arrays which are then passed, along with any keyword arguments, to scipy.optimize.curve_fit(). """ ydata = np.ravel (self.values) errors = self.errors if errors is not None and not np.all (~np.isfinite (errors)): #sigma = np.ravel (self.errors) if len (errors.shape) == len (self.values.shape) + 1 \ and errors.shape[0] == 2: errors = np.mean (errors, axis=0) sigma = np.ravel (errors) else: sigma = np.ones (ydata.shape) mask = (0 < sigma) & (sigma < np.inf) ydata = ydata[mask] sigma = sigma[mask] if self.n_dim >= 2: xdata = np.array (list(map (np.ravel, np.meshgrid (*self.centers, indexing='ij')))) xdata = np.array ([xd[mask] for xd in xdata]) else: xdata = self.centers[0][mask] # special case for scipy rvs functions if hasattr(func, '__self__'): shapes = func.__self__.shapes if shapes: n_args = 2 + len(shapes.split(',')) else: n_args = 2 funcs = { 1: (lambda x, a: func(x, a)), 2: (lambda x, a,b: func(x, a,b)), 3: (lambda x, a,b,c: func(x, a,b,c)), 4: (lambda x, a,b,c,d: func(x, a,b,c,d)), 5: (lambda x, a,b,c,d,e: func(x, a,b,c,d,e)), } f = funcs[n_args] else: f = func return optimize.curve_fit (f, xdata, ydata, sigma=sigma, **kw)
[docs] def spline_fit (self, log=False, floor=None, *a, **kw): """ Get a scipy spline fit to the histogram. :type log: bool :param log: whether to fit in log-value or linear-value :type floor: float :param floor: 10**floor is the arbitrary small number to stand in for zeros when ``log`` is true. If not set, log10 of 0.1 times the smallest nonzero value will be used. :return: :class:`SplineFit` This method produces a spline fit to the histogram values for 1D or 2D histograms. The domain of the fitted spline will be the same as that of the histogram. """ errors = self.errors #if errors is not None and not np.all (~np.isfinite (errors)): # errors = np.mean (np.atleast_2d (errors), axis=0) if log and floor is None: floor = np.log (0.1 * self.values[self.values > 0].min ()) if self.n_dim == 1: x = np.r_[self.bins[0][0], self.centers[0], self.bins[0][-1]] if self.log[0]: x = np.log10 (x) y = breakout_1d (self.values) err = breakout_1d (errors) if np.all (err == 0) or not np.any (np.isfinite (err)): err = np.ones_like (err) if log: with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') logy = np.log (y) err /= y logy[y == 0] = floor y = logy with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') mask = err > 0 spl = interpolate.UnivariateSpline ( x[mask], y[mask], 1 / err[mask], *a, **kw ) return SplineFit (self, spl, self.log, log, floor) elif self.n_dim == 2: x = np.r_[self.bins[0][0], self.centers[0], self.bins[0][-1]] if self.log[0]: x = np.log10 (x) y = np.r_[self.bins[1][0], self.centers[1], self.bins[1][-1]] if self.log[1]: y = np.log10 (y) z = breakout_2d (self.values) if log: with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') logz = np.log (z) logz[z == 0] = floor z = logz s = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline ( x, y, z, *a, **kw ) return SplineFit (self, s, self.log, log, floor) else: args = [ np.r_[self.bins[i][0], self.centers[i], self.bins[i][-1]] for i in xrange (self.n_dim) ] for i in xrange (self.n_dim): if self.log[i]: args[i] = np.log10 (args[i]) args = list (np.meshgrid (*args, indexing='ij')) V = np.pad (self.values, 1, mode='edge') if log: V = np.log (V) args.append (V) args += a s = interpolate.Rbf (*args, **kw) return SplineFit (self, s, self.log, log, floor)
#else: # raise TypeError ( # 'cannot fit spline to {0} dimensional Hist'.format ( # self.n_dim # ) # ) # smoothing
[docs] def gaussian_filter (self, *a, **kw): """ Smooth both values and errors with ``scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter()``. """ values = ndimage.gaussian_filter (self.values, *a, **kw) errors = ndimage.gaussian_filter (self.errors, *a, **kw) return Hist (self.bins, values, errors)
# smoothing
[docs] def gaussian_filter1d (self, *a, **kw): """ Smooth both values and errors with ``scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d()``. """ values = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d (self.values, *a, **kw) errors = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d (self.errors, *a, **kw) return Hist (self.bins, values, errors)
# Hist-Hist operations
[docs] def matches (self, other): """True if self and other have the same binning.""" #return True for (sbins, obins) in izip (self.bins, other.bins): n = len (sbins) if len (obins) != n: return False deltas = np.abs (sbins - obins) sdiff, odiff = np.diff (sbins), np.diff (obins) diff = .5 * (sdiff + odiff) diff_deltas = np.abs (sdiff - odiff) ratios = np.maximum (deltas[:-1] / diff, deltas[1:] / diff) if np.max (ratios) > 1e-5: return False return True
def assert_match (self, other): if not self.matches (other): raise ValueError ('histograms do not have matching binning') def __add__ (a, b): """ Add two histograms with matching bins, or a scalar and a histogram. """ if isinstance (b, Hist): a.assert_match (b) values = a.values + b.values if a.errors is not None and b.errors is not None: errors = np.sqrt (a.errors**2 + b.errors**2) else: errors = None return Hist (a.bins, values, errors) else: return Hist (a.bins, a.values + b, a.errors) def __radd__ (a, b): """Add a scalar and a histogram.""" return a + b def __sub__ (a, b): """ Subtract two histograms with matching bins, or a scalar from a histogram. """ if isinstance (b, Hist): a.assert_match (b) values = a.values - b.values if a.errors is not None and b.errors is not None: errors = np.sqrt (a.errors**2 + b.errors**2) else: errors = None return Hist (a.bins, values, errors) else: return Hist (a.bins, a.values - b, a.errors) def __rsub__ (a, b): """ Subtract a histogram from a scalar, returning a new histogram. """ return (-a) + b def __mul__ (a, b): """ Multiply two histograms with matching bins, or a scalar and a histogram. """ if isinstance (b, Hist): a.assert_match (b) values = a.values * b.values if a.errors is not None and b.errors is not None: errors = values * np.sqrt ( (a.errors / a.values)**2 + (b.errors / b.values)**2) else: errors = None return Hist (a.bins, values, errors) else: return Hist (a.bins, b * a.values, abs (b) * a.errors) def __rmul__ (self, scalar): """ Multiply a scalar and a histogram. """ return self * scalar def __div__ (a, b): """ Divide two histograms with matching bins, or histogram by a scalar. """ if isinstance (b, Hist): a.assert_match (b) with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') values = a.values / b.values if a.errors is not None and b.errors is not None: errors = values * np.sqrt ( (a.errors / a.values)**2 + (b.errors / b.values)**2) else: errors = None return Hist (a.bins, values, errors) else: b = 1.0 * b return Hist (a.bins, a.values / b, a.errors / b) __truediv__ = __div__ def __pow__ (a, b): """ Raise to a histogram with matching bins, or a scalar power. """ if isinstance (b, Hist): a.assert_match (b) values = a.values ** b.values if a.errors is not None and b.errors is not None: with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') errorsa = values * b.values * a.errors / a.values errorsb = values * np.log (a.values) * b.errors errors = np.sqrt (errorsa**2 + errorsb**2) else: errors = None return Hist (a.bins, values, errors) else: values = a.values**b with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') errors = values * b * a.errors / a.values return Hist (a.bins, values, errors) def __rpow__ (self, scalar): """ Raise a scalar to powers given by a histogram. """ values = scalar**self.values errors = values * np.log (scalar) * self.errors return Hist (self.bins, values, errors)
[docs] def efficiency (self, base_hist): """Get an efficiency Hist for this Hist divided by base_hist. :type base_hist: :class:`Hist` :param base_hist: The base histogram, of which this one should be a subset. This method differs from __div__ in the way that errors are propagated. """ keep = self orig = base_hist rej = orig - keep use_errors = self.errors is not None and base_hist.errors is not None if use_errors: rej._errors = np.sqrt (base_hist.errors**2 - self.errors**2) eff = keep / orig nkeep = keep.values nrej = rej.values if use_errors: with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') eff._errors = np.sqrt ( (nrej / (nkeep+nrej)**2 * keep.errors)**2 + (nkeep / (nkeep+nrej)**2 * rej.errors)**2 ) return eff
# self operations def __neg__ (self): """ Get a histogram with opposite-signed values. """ return Hist (self.bins, -self.values, self.errors) def abs (self): return Hist (self.bins, np.abs (self.values), self.errors) def exp (self): values = np.exp (self.values) errors = values * self.errors return Hist (self.bins, values, errors) def log_base (self, base): mask = self.values > 0 values = np.nan * np.ones_like (self.values) errors = np.nan * np.ones_like (self.values) lb = np.log (base) values[mask] = np.log (self.values[mask]) / lb errors[mask] = self.errors[mask] / (self.values[mask] * lb) return Hist (self.bins, values, errors) def ln (self): return self.log_base (np.e) def log2 (self): return self.log_base (2) def log10 (self): return self.log_base (10) def log1p (self): values = np.log1p (self.values) / lb # TODO: check error propagation here errors = self.errors / (self.values * lb) return Hist (self.bins, values, errors) def sqrt (self): return self ** 0.5 # pretty def __repr__ (self): out = ['Hist('] # binning for dim in xrange (self.n_dim): out.append ('{} bins in [{},{}], '.format ( self.n_bins[dim], self.range[dim][0], self.range[dim][1] )) out.append ('with {} {}'.format ( 'sum' if self.n_dim else 'value', self.values.sum())) if self.n_dim: out.append (', {} empty bins,'.format (np.sum (self.values == 0))) out.append (' and {} non-finite values'.format ( np.sum (~np.isfinite (self.values)))) out.append(')') return ''.join (out)
def _regularize_data (data): # validate data try: try: len (data[0]) except: data = (data,) n_dims = len (data) n_samples = len (data[0]) for i in xrange (1, n_dims): assert len (data[i]) == n_samples except: raise ValueError ( 'could not interpret `data` (check for matching array lengths)') return data, n_dims, n_samples
[docs]def hist (data, weights=None, bins=10, range=None, log=False, round_int_bins=False, keep_data=False): """Factory function for :class:`Hist`. :type data: array-like or tuple of array-like :param data: the source data for the histogram: a tuple of array-like each of length (number of samples), or just a single array of that length :type weights: array-like :param weights: the weights of the source datapoints :type bins: sequence or int, optional :param bins: a numpy.histogramdd() bins specification :type range: sequence, optional :param range: a numpy.histogramdd() range specification :type log: sequence or bool :param log: if `bins` gives bin counts rather than edges, log=True causes logarithmic bin edges to be chosen (can be given per-dimension) :type keep_data: bool :param keep_data: whether to keep the data and weights for the histogram :return: the :class:`Hist` """ data, n_dims, n_samples = _regularize_data (data) data = tuple (np.asarray (a) for a in data) # regularize bins argument if bins is not None: if isinstance (bins, tuple): bins = list (bins) else: try: len (bins[0]) except: bins = n_dims * [bins] # regularize range argument if range is None: range = [] for b in bins: if hasattr (b, '__iter__'): range.append ((np.min (b), np.max (b))) else: range.append (None) if isinstance (range, tuple): if len (range) == 2 and not ( isinstance (range[0], tuple) or isinstance (range[1], tuple)): range = n_dims * [range] # regularize log argument try: len (log) except: log = n_dims * [log] # ensure weights if weights is None: weights = np.ones (n_samples) # ignore non-finite values good_idx = np.isfinite (weights) for dim in xrange (n_dims): good_idx *= np.isfinite (data[dim]) # ensure ranges if np.sum (good_idx) == 0: full_range = range else: full_range = [ (a[good_idx].min(), a[good_idx].max()) for a in data] log_range = [ (a[good_idx * (a > 0)].min(), a[good_idx * (a > 0)].max()) if np.sum (good_idx * (a > 0)) else (np.nan, np.nan) for a in data] np_range = [r if r not in (None, (None,None)) else fr for (r, fr) in zip (range, full_range)] # get log bins if requested, but edges not specified for dim in xrange (n_dims): if log[dim]: try: len (bins[dim]) except: if range and range[dim]: a, b = list(map (np.log10, range[dim])) else: a, b = np.log10 (log_range[dim]) bins[dim] = np.logspace (a, b, bins[dim] + 1) np_range[dim] = (a,b) # validate ranges for dim in xrange (n_dims): if sum (~np.isfinite (np_range[dim])): raise ValueError ( 'NaN found in range for dimension {0}'.format (dim)) data = tuple (a[good_idx] for a in data) weights = weights[good_idx] if bins: if len (data) != len (bins): raise ValueError ( 'data dimensions ({}) must match number of bin ({})' ' specifications'.format (len (data), len (bins))) if len (data) != len (range): raise ValueError ( 'data dimensions must match number of range specification') # deal with int-valued axes if round_int_bins: for dim in xrange (n_dims): if 'i' in data[dim].dtype.descr[0][1]: xmin, xmax = orig_xmin, orig_xmax = orig_range = np_range[dim] orig_n = bins[dim] n = min (orig_n, xmax - xmin) dx = lambda xmin, xmax, n: 1. * (xmax - xmin) / n orig_dx = dx (orig_xmin, orig_xmax, orig_n) while dx (xmin, xmax, n) % 1 > 1e-5: xmax += 1 np_range[dim] = xmin, xmax bins[dim] = int ((xmax - xmin) / dx (xmin, xmax, n)) # build histogram values, edges = np.histogramdd (data, weights=weights, bins=bins, range=np_range) errors = np.sqrt (np.histogramdd (data, weights=weights**2, bins=bins, range=np_range)[0]) others = dict (data=data, weights=weights) if keep_data else {} return Hist (edges, values, errors=errors, **others)
[docs]def hist_like (other, data, weights=None, keep_data=False): """Create a :class:`Hist` using the same binning as ``other``. :type other: :class:`Hist` :param other: the other Hist :type data: array-like :param data: the data to be histogrammed. For multidimensional histograms, ``data`` will be transposed for input into ``np.histogramdd()``. :type weights: array-like :param weights: the weights :return: the :class:`Hist` """ if len (np.shape (data)) > 1: data = np.transpose (data) bins = other.bins values, bins = np.histogramdd (data, bins=bins, weights=weights) if weights is not None: sq_errors, bins = np.histogramdd (data, bins=bins, weights=weights**2) errors = np.sqrt (sq_errors) else: errors = np.sqrt (values) others = dict (data=data, weights=weights) if keep_data else {} return Hist (bins, values, errors, **others)
[docs]def hist_like_indices (other, ravel_indices, weights=None): """ Create a :class:`Hist` using pre-computed per-sample indices from ``other``. :type other: :class:`Hist` :param other: the pre-existing histogram which defines the binning :type ravel_indices: array-like :param ravel_indices: result of a :meth:`Hist.ravel_indices` call for the samples. :type weights: array-like :param weights: the weights of the source datapoints """ bins = copy.deepcopy (other.bins) if weights is None: weights = np.ones (ravel_indices.size) mask = ravel_indices >= 0 values = np.bincount ( ravel_indices[mask], weights[mask], minlength=other.values.size) errors = np.sqrt (np.bincount ( ravel_indices[mask], weights[mask]**2, minlength=other.values.size)) shape = other.values.shape return Hist (bins, values.reshape (shape), errors.reshape (shape))
[docs]def hist_direct (data, weights=None, bins=None, range=None, keep_data=False): """Fast factory function for :class:`Hist`. :type data: array-like :param data: the data to be histogrammed. For multidimensional histograms, ``data`` will be transposed for input into ``np.histogramdd()``. :type weights: array-like :param weights: the weights :type bins: sequence or int, optional :param bins: a ``np.histogramdd()`` bins specification :type range: sequence, optional :param bins: a ``np.histogramdd()`` range specification :type keep_data: bool :param keep_data: whether to keep the data and weights for the histogram :return: the :class:`Hist` This method creates a :class:`Hist` by calling ``np.histogramdd()`` as directly as possible. Note that this requires a slightly more constrained format for ``data`` compared with :meth:`hist`. """ if len (np.shape (data)) > 1: data = np.transpose (data) values, bins = np.histogramdd ( data, bins=bins, range=range, weights=weights) if weights is not None: sq_errors, bins = np.histogramdd ( data, bins=bins, range=range, weights=weights**2) errors = np.sqrt (sq_errors) else: errors = np.sqrt (values) others = dict (data=data, weights=weights) if keep_data else {} return Hist (bins, values, errors, **others)
[docs]def hist_from_function (bins, func, *args, **kwargs): """ [Deprecated] Create a :class:`Hist` by evaluating ``func`` at the centers of specified ``bins``. :type bins: list of np.array :param bins: the bin edges :type func: function :param func: the function to evaluate. it should return floats and respect numpy broadcasting rules. if ``splat`` is true, it should take ``len(bins)`` (that is, n_dim) arguments; otherwise, it should accept a single argument containing all values of all independent variables :type err_func: function :param err_func: if given, the function that returns the uncertainty at each part of the parameter space :type splat: bool :param splat: determines the signature of ``func`` as described above (default: True) :return: the :class:`Hist` Any additional positional or keyword arguments are passed to ``func``. Note: This function is now deprecated; use :meth:`hist_from_eval` instead. """ warnings.warn ( 'this function is deprecated; use hist_from_eval() instead', DeprecationWarning) err_func = kwargs.pop ('err_func', None) splat = kwargs.pop ('splat', True) bins = copy.deepcopy (bins) shape = tuple (len (b) - 1 for b in bins) dummy_hist = Hist (bins, np.zeros (shape)) if len (bins) > 1: mesh_centers = list (np.meshgrid (*dummy_hist.centers, indexing='ij')) else: mesh_centers = [dummy_hist.centers[0]] if splat: pos_args = mesh_centers + list (args) else: pos_args = [np.array ([mesh_centers])] + list (args) values = func (*pos_args, **kwargs) if err_func is not None: errors = err_func (*pos_args, **kwargs) else: errors = None return Hist (bins, values, errors)
[docs]def hist_slide (Ns, data, weights=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Construct a "histogram" from ``N`` partially-overlapping Hist's. :type Ns: int or sequence of int :param Ns: number of sliding iterations, optionally per-axis :type data: array-like or tuple of array-like :param data: the source data for the histogram: a tuple of array-like each of length (number of samples), or just a single array of that length :type weights: array-like :param weights: the weights of the source datapoints :type indices: sequence of array-like :param indices: ravel_indices for each individual histogram, obtained from a previous hist_slide call :type get_indices: bool :param get_indices: if True, obtain ravel_indices values for use in later hist_slide calls """ indices = kwargs.pop ('indices', None) get_indices = kwargs.pop ('get_indices', False) out_indices = [] # get main ordinary hist data, n_dims, n_samples = _regularize_data (data) if indices is None: h_main = hist (data, weights, *args, **kwargs) else: empty = [[1] for i in xrange (n_dims)] h_main = hist (empty, *args, **kwargs) h_main = hist_like_indices (h_main, indices[0], weights=weights) if get_indices: out_indices.append (h_main.ravel_indices (*data)) orig_bins = h_main.bins centers = [ [c[-1]] for c in h_main.centers ] # determine output shape if isinstance (Ns, int): Ns = [Ns if h_main.n_bins[axis] >= 2 else 1 for axis in xrange (n_dims)] out_shape = tuple ( (h_main.values.shape[i] - 1) * N + 1 if N >= 2 else h_main.values.shape[i] for (i, N) in enumerate (Ns) ) # store values from h_main values = np.zeros (out_shape) errors = np.zeros (out_shape) slices = tuple ( slice (0, out_shape[i], N) for (i, N) in enumerate (Ns) ) values[slices] = h_main.values errors[slices] = h_main.errors slide_ranges = [ np.arange (0, N) for (i,N) in enumerate (Ns) ] # slide bins to fill in remaining values for (i_step, i_slides) in enumerate (itertools.product (*slide_ranges)): bins = copy.deepcopy (orig_bins) lasts = [] for axis in xrange (n_dims): b = bins[axis] lasts.append (out_shape[axis] - 1) if Ns[axis] == 1: continue if i_slides[axis] == 0: bins[axis] = b lasts[-1] += 1 elif h_main.log[axis]: bins[axis] = np.exp ( np.log (b[:-1]) + 1.0 * i_slides[axis] / Ns[axis] * np.diff (np.log (b)) ) else: bins[axis] = ( b[:-1] + 1.0 * i_slides[axis] / Ns[axis] * np.diff (b) ) if indices is None: h = hist_direct (data, weights=weights, bins=bins) else: empty = [[1] for i in xrange (n_dims)] h = hist (empty, bins=bins) h = hist_like_indices (h, indices[i_step+1], weights=weights) if get_indices: out_indices.append (h.ravel_indices (*data)) for axis in xrange (n_dims): if len (centers[axis]) < out_shape[axis] - 1: centers[axis] = np.unique (np.r_[centers[axis], h.centers[axis]]) slices = tuple ( slice (i_slide, lasts[i] if Ns[i] >= 2 else out_shape[i], Ns[i]) for (i, i_slide) in enumerate (i_slides) ) values[slices] = h.values errors[slices] = h.errors # get non-overlapping binning bins = [] for axis in xrange (n_dims): if not Ns[axis] >= 2: bins.append (orig_bins[axis]) else: c = centers[axis] if h_main.log[axis]: log_c = np.log (c) log_delta = np.diff (log_c) log_delta = np.r_[log_delta, log_delta[-1]] b = np.exp (np.r_[ log_c - .5 * log_delta, log_c[-1] + .5 * log_delta[-1] ]) else: delta = np.diff (c) delta = np.r_[delta, delta[-1]] b = np.r_[c - .5 * delta, c[-1] + .5 * delta[-1]] b[[0,-1]] = orig_bins[axis][[0,-1]] bins.append (b) if get_indices: return Hist (bins, values, errors), out_indices else: return Hist (bins, values, errors)
[docs]def hist_bootstrap (N, data, weights=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Like ``hist()``, but for N iterations of sampling from ``data`` with replacement. :type stacked: bool :param stacked: if True, output is an ndim+1 dimensional Hist where the first dimension has n_bins=``N`` and values are sorted along this first dimension. otherwise output is ndim dimensional :type errors: str :param errors: 'original' to obtain errorbars from standard (non-bootstrapped) Hist; 'bootstrap' to obtain errors from containment interval along the Hist that would have been returned if ``stacked=True``. default is 'bootstrap' :type frac: float in [0,1] :param frac: fraction of samples to use in each iteration. default is 1.0 :type slide_Ns: float or sequence of float :param slide_Ns: if given, use hist_slide() instead of hist(), with the given number(s) of slided binnings """ data, n_dims, n_samples = _regularize_data (data) stacked = kwargs.pop ('stacked', False) error_type = kwargs.pop ('errors', 'original') slide_Ns = kwargs.pop ('slide_Ns', 1) frac = kwargs.pop ('frac', 1) hs = [] all_i = np.arange (N) for i in all_i: mask = np.random.randint (0, n_samples, int (frac * n_samples)) data_i = tuple (d[mask] for d in data) weights_i = None if weights is None else weights[mask] hs.append (hist_slide (slide_Ns, data_i, weights_i, *args, **kwargs)) all_bins = [np.arange (N)] + hs[0].bins shape = (N,) + tuple ([len (b) - 1 for b in all_bins[1:]]) all_values = np.vstack ([h.values for h in hs]).reshape (shape) #errors = np.vstack ([h.errors for h in hs]) all_values = np.sort (all_values, axis=0) all_errors = None h_stacked = Hist (all_bins, all_values, all_errors) if stacked: return h_stacked ilow, imed, ihigh = np.array (N * stats.norm.cdf ([-1,0,1]), dtype=int) values = all_values[imed] errors = np.vstack ((values - all_values[ilow], all_values[ihigh] - values)) h = Hist (all_bins[1:], values, errors) if error_type == 'original': h_orig = hist_slide (slide_Ns, data, weights, *args, **kwargs) h._errors = h_orig.errors return h elif error_type == 'bootstrap': return h else: raise ValueError ('`errors` must be one of "original" or "bootstrap"')
[docs]def hist_from_eval (f, vectorize=True, err_f=None, ndim=None, **kwargs): """ Create a :class:`Hist` by evaluating a function. :type f: callable :param f: the function to evaluate :type ndim: int :param ndim: number of arguments to function :type vectorize: bool :param vectorize: whether ``numpy.vectorize`` is needed to evaluate ``f`` over many sets of values :type err_f: callable :param err_f: if given, function to evaluate to obtain "errors" All other keyword arguments define the binning the same as for :meth:`hist`. This function supersedes :meth:`hist_from_function`. """ # infer number of arguments try: spec = inspect.getargspec (f) ismethod = inspect.ismethod (f) except: spec = inspect.getargspec (f.__call__) ismethod = inspect.ismethod (f.__call__) if ndim is None: ndim = len (spec.args) - len (spec.defaults or []) if ismethod: ndim -= 1 # get empty histogram if ndim <= 0: raise ValueError ('could not determine valid ndim; obtained {}'.format (ndim)) empty = [[] for i in xrange (ndim)] h = hist (empty, **kwargs) # vectorize if needed if vectorize: F = np.vectorize (f) if err_f is not None: err_F = np.vectorize (err_f) else: err_F = None else: F = f err_F = err_f # obtain values and possibly errors errors = np.zeros (h.values.shape) if ndim == 1: X = h.centers[0] values = F (X) if err_F is not None: values = err_F (X) else: X = np.meshgrid (*h.centers, indexing='ij') values = F (*map (np.ravel, X)).reshape (X[0].shape) if err_F is not None: values = err_F (*map (np.ravel, X)).reshape (X[0].shape) h._values = values h._errors = errors return h
def kde (data, weights=None, kernel=.01, normalize=True, indices=None, get_indices=False, **kw): data, n_dim, n_samples = _regularize_data (data) if indices is None: kw['bins'] = kw.pop('kde_bins', int (np.ceil (1000 / n_dim))) h = hist (data, weights=weights, **kw) else: empty = [[1] for i in xrange (n_dim)] h = hist (empty, **kw) h = hist_like_indices (h, indices, weights=weights) orig_kernel = kernel if not np.shape (kernel): kernel = h.n_dim * [kernel] kernel_bins = [ kernel[axis] * h.n_bins[axis] for axis in xrange (h.n_dim) ] h = h.gaussian_filter (kernel_bins, truncate=20) if normalize: h = h.normalize (axes=None if normalize is True else normalize) h.kernel, h.kernel_bins = orig_kernel, kernel_bins if get_indices: return h, h.ravel_indices (*data) else: return h def profile (data, weights, f=hist, **kw): # mean: weighted by value, divided by pure counting if f is kde: kw.setdefault ('normalize', False) h_count = f (data, **kw) h_weight = f (data, weights=weights, **kw) h_mean = h_weight / h_count # error: stderr = rms deviation dev = weights - h_mean (data) h_dev2 = f (data, dev**2, **kw) h_stddev = (h_dev2 / h_count**2).sqrt() h_mean._errors = h_stddev.values #if f is kde: # h_mean._errors /= np.asarray (h_count.kernel_bins) return h_mean def save (h, filename): (filename, (h.bins, h.values, h.errors)) if len (filename) >= 5 and filename [-4:] != '.npy': os.rename (filename + '.npy', filename) def load (filename): return Hist (*np.load (filename))
[docs]class SplineFit (object): """ Wrapper for spline fits to histograms. """ def __init__ (self, hist, spline, bin_logs, log, floor): self.bins = hist.bins self.range = hist.range self.spline = spline self.bin_logs = bin_logs self.log = log self.floor = floor @property def n_dim (self): return len (self.bins) def __call__ (self, *args): """ Get the spline-fitted values. """ if self.n_dim == 1: assert len (args) == 1 X = np.atleast_1d (args[0]) mask = (self.bins[0][0] <= X) & (X <= self.bins[0][-1]) if self.bin_logs[0]: X = np.log10 (X) out = np.zeros_like (X, dtype=float) out[mask] = self.spline (X[mask]) out[~mask] = np.nan if self.log: with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') zero_mask = out <= self.floor #out = 10**out out = np.exp (out) out[zero_mask] = 0 return out elif self.n_dim == 2: assert len (args) == 2 X = np.atleast_1d (args[0]) Y = np.atleast_1d (args[1]) if not X.shape == Y.shape: raise ValueError ( 'shapes of X ({}) and Y ({}) do not match'.format ( X.shape, Y.shape)) out = np.zeros_like (X, dtype=float) mask = ((self.bins[0][0] <= X) & (X <= self.bins[0][-1]) & (self.bins[1][0] <= Y) & (Y <= self.bins[1][-1])) if self.bin_logs[0]: X = np.log10 (X) if self.bin_logs[1]: Y = np.log10 (Y) if np.any (mask): out[mask] = self.spline.ev (X[mask], Y[mask]) out[~mask] = np.nan if self.log: with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') zero_mask = out <= self.floor #out = 10**out out = np.exp (out) out[zero_mask] = 0 return out else: assert len (args) == self.n_dim args = list(map (np.atleast_1d, args)) assert len (set (map (np.shape, args))) == 1 out = np.empty (len (args[0]), dtype=float) mask = np.product ([ (self.bins[i][0] <= args[i]) & (args[i] <= self.bins[i][-1]) for i in xrange (self.n_dim) ], dtype=bool) for i in xrange (self.n_dim): if self.bin_logs[i]: args[i] = np.log10 (args[i]) if np.any (mask): args_masked = [args[i][mask] for i in xrange (self.n_dim)] out[mask] = self.spline (*args_masked) out[~mask] = np.nan if self.log: with warnings.catch_warnings (): warnings.filterwarnings ('ignore') zero_mask = out <= self.floor #out = 10**out out = np.exp (out) out[zero_mask] = 0 return out #raise ValueError ('>2D Hist spline fits are not thought to exist') def eval (self, *a, **kw): if not hasattr (self, 'range'): self.range = [(b[0], b[-1]) for b in self.bins] kw.setdefault ('ndim', self.n_dim) kw.setdefault ('range', self.range) return hist_from_eval (self, *a, **kw)
[docs]class LineStyle (object): """Style object for 1D :class:`Hist` s.""" def __init__ (self, line=True, marker='None', errorbars=False, errorcaps=False, errorbands=False, xerrorbars=False, crosses=False, poisson=False, **kwargs ): """Initialize a LineStyle. :type line: bool :param line: Whether to draw a line. :type marker: str (optional) :param marker: The marker specification :type errorbars: bool :param errorbars: Whether to draw errorbars. :type errorcaps: bool :param errorcaps: Whether to draw error bar caps. :type errorbands: bool :param errorbands: Whether to draw error bands. :type xerrorbars: bool :param xerrorbars: Whether to draw x errorbars. :type crosses: bool :param crosses: bool :type poisson: bool :param poisson: Whether to show Poisson errorbars. All other keyword args are saved to be passed to matplotlib.axes.Axes.errorbar(). Note that drawstyle should not be specified; if line == True, then drawstyle='steps-post' will be used. """ self._kwargs = {} self.line = True self.marker = 'None' self.errorbars = False self.errorcaps = False self.errorbands = False self.xerrorbars = False self.poisson = False self.update ( line=line, marker=marker, errorbars=errorbars, errorcaps=errorcaps, errorbands=errorbands, xerrorbars=xerrorbars, crosses=crosses, poisson=poisson, **kwargs)
[docs] def update (self, **kwargs): """Update the keyword args with the given values.""" crosses = kwargs.pop ('crosses', False) if crosses: kwargs['errorbars'] = True kwargs['xerrorbars'] = True kwargs['line'] = False self.line = kwargs.pop ('line', self.line) self.marker = kwargs.pop ('marker', self.marker) self.errorbars = kwargs.pop ('errorbars', self.errorbars) self.errorcaps = kwargs.pop ('errorcaps', self.errorcaps) self.errorbands = kwargs.pop ('errorbands', self.errorbands) self.xerrorbars = kwargs.pop ('xerrorbars', self.xerrorbars) self.poisson = kwargs.pop ('poisson', self.poisson) self._kwargs.update (copy.deepcopy (kwargs))
[docs] def copy (self, **kwargs): """Get a copy of this LineStyle, updating the given keyword args. All arguments accepted by the :class:`LineStyle` constructor may be given, including line, markers, errorbars, errorcaps, and arbitrary matplotlib arguments. """ out = copy.deepcopy (self) out.update (**kwargs) return out
@property def line (self): """Whether to draw a line.""" return self._line @line.setter def line (self, line): self._line = line @property def markers (self): """Whether to draw point markers.""" return self.marker not in ('None',) @property def marker (self): """The marker to use.""" return self._marker @marker.setter def marker (self, marker): self._marker = marker self._kwargs['marker'] = marker @property def errorbars (self): """Whether to draw error bars.""" return self._errorbars @errorbars.setter def errorbars (self, errorbars): self._errorbars = errorbars @property def errorbands (self): """Whether to draw error bands.""" return self._errorbands @errorbands.setter def errorbands (self, errorbands): self._errorbands = errorbands @property def errorcaps (self): """Whether to draw error bar caps.""" return self._errorcaps @errorcaps.setter def errorcaps (self, errorcaps): self._errorcaps = errorcaps if not self.errorcaps: self._kwargs['capsize'] = 0 else: self._kwargs.pop ('capsize', None) @property def xerrorbars (self): """Whether to draw error bars.""" return self._xerrorbars @xerrorbars.setter def xerrorbars (self, xerrorbars): self._xerrorbars = xerrorbars @property def poisson (self): """Whether to draw Poisson error bars.""" return self._poisson @poisson.setter def poisson (self, poisson): self._poisson = poisson @property def kwargs (self): """Keyword args for matplotlib.axes.Axes.errorbar().""" out = copy.deepcopy (self._kwargs) if (not self.errorbars) and (not self.xerrorbars): out['elinewidth'] = np.finfo (float).tiny else: out.pop ('elinewidth', None) return out
[docs]def plot1d (ax, h=None, style=None, **kwargs): """ Plot 1D :class:`Hist` ``h`` on matplotlib Axes ``ax``. :type ax: matplotlib Axes :param ax: if given, the axes on which to plot :type h: :class:`Hist` :param h: the 1D histogram :type style: :class:`LineStyle` :param style: the line style Other keyword arguments are propagated to pyplot.errorbar() and pyplot.plot() as appropriate. """ if h is None: h = ax ax = plt.gca () if h.n_dim != 1: raise TypeError ('`h` must be a 1D Hist') if style is None: style = LineStyle () style.update (**kwargs) kw = copy.deepcopy (style.kwargs) if 'markers' in kw: del kw['markers'] legend_kw = dict (label=kw.get ('label', '')) # get errorband stuff out of the way early bkw = {} bkw['alpha'] = kw.pop ('ebandalpha', .5) * kw.get ('alpha', 1.0) ebandlabel = kw.pop ('ebandlabel', '') n = h.n_bins[0] x = h.centers[0] y = h.values err = h.errors if style.poisson: alpha = 2 * stats.norm.sf (1) # see # low = np.where (y == 0, 0, stats.chi2.ppf (alpha / 2, 2 * y) / 2.) high = stats.chi2.ppf (1 - alpha / 2, 2 * y + 2) / 2. err = [y - low, high - y] color = kw.get ('color', None) legend_line = False if style.markers or style.errorbars or style.xerrorbars: ekw = copy.deepcopy (kw) ekw['linestyle'] = 'none' if 'ls' in ekw: del ekw['ls'] if 'drawstyle' in ekw: del ekw['drawstyle'] ekw['color'] = color ekw['label'] = '' if color is None: ekw.pop ('color') if style.xerrorbars: ekw['xerr'] = [x - h.bins[0][:-1], h.bins[0][1:] - x] else: ekw['xerr'] = None if style.errorbars: ekw['yerr'] = err else: ekw['yerr'] = np.zeros_like (y) if style.errorbars or style.xerrorbars: eline = ax.errorbar (x, y, **ekw)[0] else: if 'capsize' in ekw: del ekw['capsize'] if 'elinewidth' in ekw: del ekw['elinewidth'] eline = ax.plot (x, y, **ekw)[0] kw['color'] = color = eline.get_color () legend_kw.update (kw) legend_line = True if style.line: lkw = {} def keep (*keys): for key in keys: if key in kw: lkw[key] = kw[key] lkw['drawstyle'] = kw.get ('drawstyle', 'steps-post') steps = lkw['drawstyle'] == 'steps-post' keep ('alpha', 'color', 'linewidth', 'lw', 'linestyle', 'ls') line_x = h.bins[0] if steps else h.centers[0] line_y = np.r_[y, y[-1]] if steps else y lline = ax.plot (line_x, line_y, **lkw)[0] lkw['color'] = color = lline.get_color () legend_kw.update (lkw) legend_line = True else: legend_kw['linestyle'] = 'none' # weird hack to make legend work properly without disrupting the plot if legend_line: legend_args = [[np.nan], [np.nan]] if style.errorbars: legend_args.append ([0]) if style.xerrorbars: legend_args.append ([0]) out = ax.errorbar (*legend_args, **legend_kw) if style.errorbands: bkw['color'] = color bkw['lw'] = 0 steps = 'steps-post' == kw.get ('drawstyle', 'steps-post') eshape = np.shape (err) if len (eshape) == 2 and eshape[0] == 2: merr = err[0] perr = err[1] else: perr = merr = err if steps: ix = np.sort (np.r_[:n, 1:n+1]) band_x = h.bins[0][ix] iy = np.sort (np.r_[:n, :n]) band_ymin = (y - merr)[iy] band_ymax = (y + perr)[iy] if style.line: res = ax.fill_between (band_x, band_ymax, band_ymin, **bkw) else: for ib in xrange (0, 2 * n, 2): res = ax.fill_between ( band_x[ib:ib+2], band_ymax[ib:ib+2], band_ymin[ib:ib+2], **bkw ) else: band_x = x band_ymin = y - merr band_ymax = y + perr res = ax.fill_between (band_x, band_ymax, band_ymin, **bkw) if ebandlabel: eband_kw = dict ( color=res.get_facecolor()[0], linestyle='-', lw=8, label=ebandlabel ) ax.plot ([np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan], **eband_kw)
[docs]def fill_between (ax, h1, h2, interpolate=False, drawstyle='steps', **kw): """ Fill the region between histograms h1 and h2. :type ax: matplotlib Axes :param ax: the axes on which to plot :type h1: number or :class:`Hist` :param h1: a number or the first histogram :type h2: number or :class:`Hist` :param h2: a number or the second histogram :param where: see ``pyplot.fill_between()``. :param interpolate: see ``pyplot.fill_between()``. :type drawstyle: str :param drawstyle: if 'line', plot smooth curves; otherwise, plot with histogram steps Other keyword arguments are passed to ``pyplot.fill_between()``. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots () if isinstance (h1, Hist) and isinstance (h2, Hist): h1.assert_match (h2) bins = h1.bins[0] centers = h1.centers[0] y1 = h1.values y2 = h2.values if h1.n_dim != 1 or h2.n_dim != 1: raise TypeError ('histogram arguments must be 1D Hists') elif isinstance (h1, Hist): bins = h1.bins[0] centers = h1.centers[0] y1 = h1.values y2 = h2 * np.ones (h1.values) if h1.n_dim != 1: raise TypeError ('histogram arguments must be 1D Hists') elif isinstance (h2, Hist): bins = h2.bins[0] centers = h2.centers[0] y1 = h1 * np.ones_like (h2.values) y2 = h2.values if h2.n_dim != 1: raise TypeError ('histogram arguments must be 1D Hists') else: raise TypeError ('one of `h1` or `h2` must be of type Hist') steps = drawstyle != 'line' n = len (centers) if steps: ix = np.sort (np.r_[:n, 1:n+1]) band_x = bins[ix] iy = np.sort (np.r_[:n, :n]) band_ymin = y1[iy] band_ymax = y2[iy] else: band_x = centers band_ymin = y1 band_ymax = y2 label = kw.pop ('label', '') res = ax.fill_between (band_x, band_ymax, band_ymin, interpolate=interpolate, **kw) if label: kw['color'] = res.get_facecolor ()[0] ax.plot ([np.nan, np.nan], [np.nan, np.nan], lw=8, label=label, **kw) return res
[docs]def stack1d (ax, hs, colors=None, labels=None, kws=None, interpolate=False, drawstyle='steps', ymin=0, **morekw): """ Stack histograms ``hs`` using :func:`fill_between`. :type ax: matplotlib Axes :param ax: the axes on which to plot :type hs: sequence of :class:`Hist` :param hs: the histograms :type colors: sequence :param colors: the fill colors :type labels: sequence of str :param labels: the labels :type kws: sequence of str to value mappings :param kws: keyword arguments for individual fills :param interpolate: see ``pyplot.fill_between()`` :type drawstyle: str :param drawstyle: if 'line', plot smooth curves; otherwise, plot with histogram steps :type ymin: number :param ymin: minimum value (useful for semilogy plots) Other keyword arguments are passed to each :func:`fill_between` call. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots () if colors is None: default_cycle = 'bgrcmyk' colors = ''.join (default_cycle[i % len (default_cycle)] for i in range (len (hs))) if labels is None: labels = ['' for h in hs] if kws is None: kws = [{} for h in hs] total = ymin outs = [] for (h, kw, color, label) in izip (hs, kws, colors, labels): new_total = total + h kw.update (morekw) outs.append (fill_between (ax, total, new_total, interpolate=interpolate, drawstyle=drawstyle, color=color, label=label, **kw)) total = new_total return outs
[docs]def plot2d (ax, h=None, log=False, cbar=False, levels=None, **kwargs): """ Plot 1D :class:`Hist` ``h`` on ``ax`` on a color scale. :type ax: matplotlib Axes :param ax: The main axes on which to plot. :type h: :class:`Hist` :param h: The 2D histogram to plot. :type log: bool :param log: Whether to use a log color scale :type cbar: bool :param cbar: If true, draw colorbar. :type levels: int or array of float :param levels: if given, plot with contourf rather than pcolormesh. if a number is given, automatically select that many levels between vmin and vmax. :type zmin: float :param zmin: Minimum value to plot with color; bins below the minimum value will be white. :return: If cbar, a dict containing a matplotlib.collection.QuadMesh and a matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar as values; otherwise, just the QuadMesh. Other keyword arguments are passed to ax.pcolormesh(). """ if h is None: h = ax ax = plt.gca () if h.n_dim != 2: raise TypeError ('`h` must be a 2D Hist') plotvalues = h.values.T zmin = kwargs.pop ('zmin', None) if log: if zmin is None: zmin = 0 H = (plotvalues) else: H = (plotvalues) H.mask += ~np.isfinite (plotvalues) if zmin is not None: H.mask += (plotvalues <= zmin) xbins = h.bins[0] ybins = h.bins[1] Bx, By = np.meshgrid (xbins, ybins) vmin = kwargs.pop ('vmin', H.min ()) vmax = kwargs.pop ('vmax', H.max ()) clabel = kwargs.pop ('clabel', None) cticks = None if log: kwargs['norm'] = mpl.colors.LogNorm (vmin, vmax) if levels is None: if not log: kwargs['vmin'], kwargs['vmax'] = vmin, vmax pc = ax.pcolormesh (Bx, By, H, **kwargs) else: if isinstance (levels, int): if log: levels = np.logspace (np.log10 (vmin), np.log10 (vmax), levels + 1) cticks = 10**np.arange ( np.ceil (np.log10 (vmin)), np.floor (np.log10 (vmax)) + .1 ) else: levels = np.linspace (vmin, vmax, levels + 1) fill = kwargs.pop ('fill', True) if fill: pc = ax.contourf (Bx[:-1,:-1], By[:-1,:-1], np.clip (H, vmin, vmax), levels, **kwargs) else: pc = ax.contour (Bx[:-1,:-1], By[:-1,:-1], np.clip (H, vmin, vmax), levels, **kwargs) if h.log[0]: ax.set_xscale ('log') if h.log[1]: ax.set_yscale ('log') ax.set_xlim (xbins.min (), xbins.max ()) ax.set_ylim (ybins.min (), ybins.max ()) if cbar: cb_kw = cbar if hasattr (cbar, 'keys') else {} if log: cb = ax.figure.colorbar ( pc, ax=ax, format=mpl.ticker.LogFormatterMathtext (), **cb_kw) else: cb = ax.figure.colorbar (pc, ax=ax, **cb_kw) if cticks is not None: cb.set_ticks (cticks) if clabel: cb.set_label (clabel) return dict (colormesh=pc, colorbar=cb) else: return pc
def label2d (ax, h, fmt='', **kw): if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots () for i in xrange (h.n_bins[0]): for j in xrange (h.n_bins[1]): ax.text (h.centers[0][i], h.centers[1][j], format (h.values[i,j], fmt), ha='center', va='center', fontdict=kw)